Do you want to make Bioimpedance part of your health and weight journey?
Schedule a session by going to Book online button on the home page and choose bioimpedance.
It takes about 10 min and cost $ 10.
You will get a print out of your information and be able to access it online as well.
How the Bioimpedance Scale Works
The bioimpedance scale utilizes a very low voltage electrical circuit (we promise it doesn’t hurt!) that travels from your toes to your head. Since muscle and fat conduct electricity at different rates, the scale can differentiate between the amount of muscle and fat in your body. The readout from the scale provides detailed information on your body composition, including:
- Lean Muscle Mass: The amount of muscle in your body.
- Fat Mass: The total fat in your body.
- Visceral Fat: The fat surrounding your organs, which can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
Why Bioimpedance Measurements Matter
Using bioimpedance measurements allows us to track changes in body composition over time. Traditional scales only show total weight, which can be misleading and frustrating, especially in the early stages of weight management when muscle mass may increase as fat decreases, resulting in little change in total weight. Bioimpedance scales help us understand these changes better and allow us to:
- Monitor increases in muscle mass and decreases in fat.
- Track reductions in visceral fat, even if total weight remains unchanged.
This detailed understanding of body composition helps us tailor lifestyle changes and medical plans to improve our patients’ metabolic health.
The Challenges and Limitations of Bioimpedance Scales
Accuracy Concerns
While bioimpedance scales can provide valuable insights, their accuracy can be influenced by several factors:
- Quality of the Machine: How good is the machine you’re using? Is it properly calibrated and maintained? Using the same machine consistently can help reduce variability in measurements.
- Hydration Levels: Your hydration status can significantly impact results. Being less hydrated increases electrical impedance, which can lead to a higher recorded body fat percentage.
- Glycogen Levels: Glycogen stored in muscles is accompanied by water, making the body more conductive. Low glycogen levels, due to hard training or low-carb diets, can falsely increase body fat percentage readings.
Prediction Equations
Bioimpedance scales use prediction equations based on the averages of a tested population, which may not always represent your body composition accurately. This is particularly problematic if:
- The initial body composition measurements used in the equations were inaccurate.
- The tested population differs significantly from you in terms of body composition.
Conclusion: The Need for Careful Use and Interpretation
Bioimpedance scales can be useful tools for tracking body composition changes, but their results should be interpreted with caution. Variations in hydration, glycogen levels, and the quality of the machine can affect accuracy. For best results:
- Ensure the machine is well-maintained and calibrated.
- Use the same machine consistently.
- Be mindful of your hydration and glycogen levels when taking measurements.
Understanding these limitations helps us use bioimpedance measurements effectively as part of a comprehensive approach to weight management and health improvement.
Do you want to make Bioimpedance part of your health and weight journey?
Schedule a session by going to Book online button on the home page and choose bioimpedance.
It takes about 10 min and cost $ 10.
You will get a print out of your information and be able to access it online as well.